To be happy and contented is probably the most sought after goal in life, but for many people, this seemingly elusive state lies beyond their reach. What’s even more frustrating is that we are putting more and more time into the pursuit of happiness, with worse and worse outcomes as depression rates sky rocket around the world, non more so than in ‘developed’ countries.
In our quest for happiness, we may have ideas such as a relationship, more money, our own home, furthering career, more instagram followers, a new iPhone, and so on, but after the novelty wears off, we find that these things do not deliver the ongoing contentment that we had hoped for, and so we search for the next thing. Unfortunately most of the training in helping professions focuses upon reducing the symptoms of depression, with medication and strategies such as exercising or changing your thinking. But these do not address the underlying causes, and can distract and delay us from putting our energy into what human beings really need. So what is the key to ongoing and sustained contentment? The 4 PIllars model is a framework developed from looking at the ingredients of contentment based upon core needs. It provides a structure through which people are able to identify target areas and formulate a plan to that elusive true contentment. ![]() More information can be found in an as yet unpubished draft chapter available by clicking on the icon.
Information about a workshop I run on this topic called "In Search of the Sixth Happiness" can be downloaded below